Mit unserem Convenience Concept Consulting begegnen wir Ihnen individuell in Ihren Anforderungen. Dabei gehen wir auf unterschiedlichste Bedürfnisse, wie beispielsweise einen Personalmangel oder auf den Wunsch der Effizienzsteigerung und der damit beinhalteten Kostenersparnisse, ein.
Thanks to our experience from over 45 years in the industry, we offer support for all aspects of your catering business.
We produce a large selection of meat and fish components as well as vegetarian and vegan main components, which can be combined with sauce components, filling side dishes and vegetable side dishes as desired. This creates over 100,000 different menu options.
Meal plans
We create ready-made menu plans for a period and budget of your choosing. We respond individually to the needs of your end customers and their catering situation. This means that the right meals can be delivered for all customer groups.
Wir liefern unsere Produkte mit unseren Logistikpartnern direkt zu Ihnen. Dabei werden strikte Hygiene- sowie Kühlanforderungen einhalten. Durch ein Kontrollsystem kann jederzeit über den Verlauf informiert werden.
Process optimization
We will advise you on site our team will be happy to help you make your catering situation more efficient. Through operational analyzes and individual solutions, you not only achieve cost savings, but also more satisfied customers.
After sales
Through well-thought-out solutions in the after-sales area, we guarantee happier consumers.
We support the nutrition of people from kindergartens and schools to company canteens, hospitals and retirement homes. Our customers also include areas such as system and retail catering.